BA nights now on Wednesdays

With immediate effect, we’re going to move the BA night to Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, so as not to get affected by any overrun from the dance class.
The last time this happened the second session didn’t end till gone 10pm.

Therefore the next BA night is this Wednesday 11th January

Valerie Davey

New Year’s Day Fun shoot

‘Frogin’ Hood’

The forecast was not promising and it was, after all, New Year’s day morning, so I wasn’t expecting much of a turn out. How wrong could I be. Twenty club archers turned up full of bonhomie, hangovers and silly hats. The best turn out I can remember.

The day might have started overcast and we were all waiting for the rain, but luckily we got little more than a thin drizzle that failed to dampen our high spirits.

Mark had some devious tricks up his sleeve for us to attempt, just to add spice to the proceedings. Standing on one leg; dancing; shooting left handed; to name a few. That, plus the fact that we were all shooting the club jelly bows with unmatched arrows levelled the playing field somewhat.

It fell to the enthusiastic Andrew to show us how it should be done and he was rewarded by getting the highest score and the trophy.

Mince pies and hot drinks were partaken while the scores were totalled up. The rain got fed up with waiting and decided to open up just as we were all leaving for the pub. All in all, a good mornings fun.

Looking forward already to next year.

Happy New Year everybody.

New Year’s Day Clout

Hi all 

Been stuck indoors for days?  Fancy getting out for some fun and fresh air?

Come to our Clout on New Year’s Day, we start at 10.30 prompt so get there in plenty of time.  Wear a funny hat or fancy dress if you like, just remember the rule about loose clothing.  We use the club’s bows so everyone has the same advantage (or handicap some might say) and we will finish by lunchtime so plenty of time to get to the pub! 

Best wishes for the New Year

Val Davey

Club Secretary

2017 Tournaments

Dear All,
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and now you’re all recovered from the festivities, it’s time to book in for those spring outdoor tournaments.
The ones that are popular with other club members are:-
Royal Richmond’s PAGODA shoot on the 9th April. This is one of the first outdoor shoots and very popular, so don’t wait too long.
On the same day there are shoots at Meriden and Clophill, so you’re spoiled for choice.
Kestrels shoot on 7th May.
Middlesex county weekend shoot on the 28th and 29th May. (York and WA1440.)
Surrey county Junior Champs on the 3rd June and
The DIANA on the 4th June.
Then we are into the full summer season. All the above are well attended so it’s worth getting your place booked pretty early.
As usual, just let me know if you are interested and I’ll do all the paperwork. I’ll collect the money on the day or before. (I’ve got a little list….)
Remember Froggin’ Hood on New year’s Day. Blow away the over-indulgent cobwebs.
See you there.

Peter King

New Web Site

Here, at last, is a new Whiteleaf Bowmen web site. Created after the old site was hacked four times in pretty quick succession.

It is one of those new-fangled types of web site. I’m not entirely convinced it is a better way of doing things. But it is still young and wobbly and I hope it improves as I get the hang of it. It should be better on mobile devices.