COVID-19 Update: Outdoor field is now open

I am pleased to confirm that the field will re-open for outdoor shooting from Monday 29th March in accordance with the easing of some of the current lockdown restrictions but the club hut remains closed until further notice.  The booking system is now live.

Protocols will be the same as before; please use the hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial spray on equipment before and after shooting, and ensure you sign in and out as we are legally required to record attendance.  Only one household bubble per boss, and please maintain 2m social distancing at all times.

Archery at Lacey Green Indoor Hall Suspended for the rest of the 2020/2021 season

16-December-2020: This is to let you know that, due to the ongoing Covid19 restrictions, and the small numbers who have been shooting indoors this season making it financially unviable, the committee has taken the very difficult decision to cancel indoor shooting at Lacey Green Village Hall for the remainder of the season.  

We are hopeful that we will be able to return to normal for the 2021/22 indoor season.

Winter Frostbite & Portsmouth rounds still going ahead

Dear Club Members

As you will have read, the field is open again for socially distanced shooting from today but indoor shooting in Lacey Green is suspended till next year.  Normally at this time of the year we would have a postal Portsmouth competition , the club Frostbite competition and a postal Frostbite competition.  The good news is that all of these competitions are still taking place, but with some differences.

So if you are able to do some shooting  then give these two rounds a go.  It doesn’t matter what level you are at or whether you shoot recurve, longbow, compound or barebow.

Frostbite Round  36 arrows (+ 6 arrows sighters)                               Shooting at 30m on a 80cm target face   Scoring = 10, 9, 8, 7 etc.

Can be shot either six arrows then score OR 3 arrows then score

Portsmouth Round         60 arrows (+6 arrows sighters)   Shooting at 20 yards on a 60cm target face           Scoring = 10, 9, 8, 7 etc

Normally an indoor round shooting 3 arrows then scoring  but can be shot outdoors scoring after 3 or 6 arrows

Then send me your scores, either a pdf or similar or a photo of your score sheet or just an email.  I need score, hits and golds (just 10s), bow type and date shot.

Please send to

I will then enter scores in: The Selby Postal League – Frostbite Scores

                                                   SCAS Postal Competition – Portsmouth Scores

                                                   Club Frostbite Handicap Tournament

Please submit scores as soon after you have shot them as you can, as each competition has different rules.

Good Shooting

John O

Records Officer

Whiteleaf Bowmen

COVID-19 Update: Field is now open but Indoor Hall remains closed

On exiting the latest lockdown, from Wednesday 2 December you are now able to shoot outdoors.  The previous booking system is now live again, & the rules remain as before this latest lockdown – see below.

The Club hut at the field remains closed and for the foreseeable future there will not be any shooting allowed at the Indoor hall at Lacey Green.

Archery Rules under COVID

All measures for social distancing and your safety are now in place at the field so you can book a slot to start shooting again. Please take note of the following & observe at all times.

  • Hand gel is taped to the gate for use when entering and leaving.
  • Bosses with wheels Lanes 1 and 9 are currently set at 60 yds, Boss with wheels Lane 3 is set at 100yds and the two straw bosses Lanes 5 and 7 are also set at 100yds.  They can be moved to suit but please wipe them down before and after with the spray.  Obviously if you are at the field by yourself, it will be safe to move forward 
  • The clubhouse will remain closed for the time being but on the verandah you will find hand sanitizer on the table with the spray for wiping down the faces and bosses, anything else you touch and your own equipment if you haven’t brought yours. 
  • In the box is the signing in book, scoresheets, pens (bring your own if you can), arrow jack, pins, paper roll for wiping down, bin bags etc.
  • The toilet is to be used for emergencies only
  • The booking system is now open.  You will find it on the website under Archery Field Bookings, choose your lane, date, (times shown are those still available), fill in your details and you will get confirmation immediately and a reminder the day before.
  • Get ready at home, arrive just before your start time, shoot, leave, dismantle at home.
  • Remember:  Following Archey GB guidelines and wipe wipe wipe!

Before you start shooting again please also read Archery GB’s guidance notes:

(Club Secretary)

COVID-19 Update: Field & Indoor Hall closed

5-November-2020: Due to the current Government announcement regarding enforcing a lock down across the UK, shooting Archery at the outdoor field and indoor hall at Lacey Green is currently suspended for the foreseeable future. We will let you all know when we are able to reopen again according to Government guidelines.

Whiteleaf Bowmen – Field is now OPEN…

COVID-19 Re-Opening Update:

All measures for social distancing and your safety are now in place at the field so you can book a slot to start shooting again. Please take note of the following & observe at all times.

  • Hand gel is taped to the gate for use when entering and leaving.
  • Bosses with wheels Lanes 1 and 9 are currently set at 60 yds, Boss with wheels Lane 3 is set at 100yds and the two straw bosses Lanes 5 and 7 are also set at 100yds.  They can be moved to suit but please wipe them down before and after with the spray.  Obviously if you are at the field by yourself, it will be safe to move forward 
  • The clubhouse will remain closed for the time being but on the verandah you will find hand sanitizer on the table with the spray for wiping down the faces and bosses, anything else you touch and your own equipment if you haven’t brought yours. 
  • In the box is the signing in book, scoresheets, pens (bring your own if you can), arrow jack, pins, paper roll for wiping down, bin bags etc.
  • The toilet is to be used for emergencies only
  • The booking system is now open.  You will find it on the website under Archery Field Bookings, choose your lane, date, (times shown are those still available), fill in your details and you will get confirmation immediately and a reminder the day before.
  • Get ready at home, arrive just before your start time, shoot, leave, dismantle at home.
  • Remember:  Following Archey GB guidelines and wipe wipe wipe!

However, before you go any further please also read the notes on the Archery GB website about reopening.


The clouds hung lightly over the corner of a field that is home to archers of Whiteleaf braving the first day of the second decade of the third millennium. 

A hardy few of nine men and one woman (that’s ten for anyone struggling with sums after the new year) set forth to shoot the traditional new year clout. True to form Alan let forth the first whinge on the ground of the year (claiming his first was shortly after midnight) before the “serious” business of archery began. 

The “competition” took its usual form of ribald humour, leg pulling, 2 arrows on one of the static bosses and even one or two archers really trying – Mark scored with all his arrows until the 5th end while Calvin ( no shame on a novice) and Neil ( don’t let this man coach your barebow aiming) both contrived only one scoring arrow each in the same time. 

After 8 ends three were still in the running and within 4 points ( on paper a forth was technically in it but this would require a perfect score and all the others to miss) but having led the whole way through Mark’s solid 3,3,miss in the last end saw him pull clear of the field for a famous victory. 

The Frog was presented to Mark to display in a place of honour for another year 

Scores ( numbers are the Scores after 5, 8 & 9 ends) 


Have a good years shooting and see you all – new years day hats and all – next year 

For pictures of the day see below:

Reporters: R. O’binhood and L.E.Golas

Whiteleaf Longbow Open Tournament 2019 Results

Sunday 28th April 2019 – Double National

Twenty four archers competed in the annual Longbow open tournament at Whiteleaf Bowmen this April. The weather held dry for the event with an overcast and windy start to the day, easing off in the afternoon.

Congratulations to all our winners & a special thanks to Carol and Pauline for the teas and cakes, Stuart and John for the BBQ, John the Lord Patron and all who helped setting up and then clearing the field. Well done to Andy and Georgina for running the shoot and hopefully see every again next year.

The summary results from the Longbow Open (28th April 2019) are shown below & the full version attached here.


  1. Roger Spellane (Aquarius AC) – score: 775 (Gold)
  2. Peter King (Whiteleaf Bowmen) – score: 721 (Silver)
  3. Pete Price (Aquarius AC) – score: 705 (Bronze)
  4. Allun Pugh (Whiteleaf Bowmen) – score: 635 (Best Arrow Average, unrewarded)


  1. Sue Crowe (South Bucks Archers) – score: 389 (Gold)
  2. Jan O’Keeffe (Whiteleaf Bowmen) – score: 383 (Silver)
  3. Sue Tutty (Whiteleaf Bowmen) – score: 267 (Bronze)


  1. Matthew Powell (Whiteleaf Bowmen) – score: 120 (Gold)

Sam Fowler Memorial Shoot 2018

Sometimes, things just work out as you hoped they would. Last Sunday was one such occasion.

After a dire Saturday full of rain and cold winds, we were blessed with a rare October day on Sunday. The frost had long gone by the time we all started to gather at the field. A beautiful blue sky and no more than a zephyr of a breeze bade well for a perfect day. Even the setting out proved to be no problem at all, and that’s a first!

By necessity this shoot, the Pope and Young, can only accommodate a maximum of 25 archers, and 20 is a very manageable number, so I was delighted when the target list was full just before the start time. It was unfortunate that we had a couple of no-shows, but made up for it by late comers.

Soup and rolls were on offer before the start and tea and coffee on tap, so to speak. The assembly was opened by our Chairman, Chris Roberts, and, after a short introduction, he handed the proceedings over to the Tournament Officer. The ribald comments and banter started at that point and, as far as I remember, continued throughout the shoot. What better way to start.

The complexities of the shoot were explained and after only a couple of questions, everybody seemed to get the idea; in theory, anyway.

The first detail took their places and, on the whistle, shooting began. It might have taken a few ends to get the hang of things in practice, but soon we were romping along. A sure sign of the improved quality of the shooting was the reduction in the time taken looking for arrows after each end.

The first session (40 seconds) ended with a collective sigh of relief, coupled with a distinct feeling of anticipation. What we lost in time on the second session (35 seconds) we gained in experience. The lovely Jo was having to work quite hard on the scores, there being more hits than misses.

We had a very welcome lunch break at the end of the 35 second session and once more the soup and rolls were available. (Just enough Chicken and Mushroom….phew..)

The last and hardest session began, (30 seconds) and this really sorted us out. If you were lucky, you could get off all five arrows. If you were very good you could get three of them scoring.

I know I would have loved to have gone on to 25 seconds, but time was getting on and some of us had plans made for the evening.

The raffle was followed by the awards. This shoot was meant to be fun, and I’m pretty sure we all enjoyed it. I know I received many comments to that effect. I was a bit surprised, therefore, when the awards had been distributed, that a lot of the entrants asked to see their scores. Well, as promised, here they are in full:-

Chris Roberts 65 1st
Gary Martin 56 2nd
Adrian Powell 45 3rd
Peter King 41 4th
Barney King 36 5th
Ian Symonds 34 6th
Sue Cook 33 7th eq.
Eric Murrey 33 7th eq.
Val Davey 29 9th
John O’Keeffe 23 10th
Jan O’Keeffe 23 11th
Sue Crowe 22 12th eq.
Alan Crowe 22 12th eq.
Matthew Powell 21 14th
Rachel Dixon 20 15th
Alun Pugh 17 16th
Lesley Herriot 13 17th
Phyll Griffiths 8 18th
Neville Freedman 4 19th (retired)

Very special thanks to Jo for doing the timing and scoring, a mammoth task. Thanks also to the wonderful catering team, Carol and Pauline. Also the Whiteleaf ‘field party’ for want of a better word, who did all the hard graft. They all know who they are…

It was very nice to have Justin there as a spectator in the afternoon, our link to Sam.

Sam’s charity, Iain Rennie Hospice at Home, benefitted by £297, an increase of £26 on last year so a massive thank you to everyone who contributed by donations and raffle prizes. Swarovski, Quicks Archery and M&S also made generous contributions

Look forward to seeing you all again next year.

