Open Tournament – UKRS York/Hereford/Bristols 2025

We are please to announce our annual Open Tournament which will be taking place on the 18th of May 2025

Venue: Whiteleaf Bowmen, New Road, High Wycombe, HP27 0PP (What3Words –
Rounds: York, Hereford and Bristols
Closing date for entries: 2 May 2025
For further information please download the entry form:

You may also enter via our online entry form at:

Whiteleaf Bowmen Open Shoot 2024 Results

This years tournament took place on the 19th of May. The day started off rather overcast but it got warmer as the day progressed. A special thanks to everyone who set up the field in the days leading up to the competition as well as the field party on the day who turned up early to help set up and helped with finding lost arrows.
A total of 35 archers took to the field shooting a variety of rounds. Results and photos are below.

Open Tournament – UKRS York/Hereford/Bristols 2024

We are please to announce our annual Open Tournament which will be taking place on the 19th of May 2024

Venue: Whiteleaf Bowmen, New Road, High Wycombe, HP27 0PP (What3Words –
Rounds: York, Hereford and Bristols
Closing date for entries: 3 May 2024
For further information please download the entry form:

You may also enter via our online entry form at:

Whiteleaf Bowmen Club Champs Results – 20th August 2023

Twenty-Three archers eagerly took to the field to compete in the Club Championship shoot this year. With rounds ranging from a Long National for the actual championship, down to a National 30 there was something for all archers.  The weather stayed dry for the whole shoot and shooting started a fraction after 10:00.  With the shoot only being six dozen, almost every end had either a best gold or hidden colour prize for those that weren’t hitting the gold.  In fact, the most nervous times were the search for the arrow that would win the green colourprize and wondering when the Longbow Best Gold prize would be won.

After the final arrow had been shot, the field was returned to its usual look and our secretary Jan quickly put she scores in order and filled out the result sheet.  Our Lady Patron for the shoot Julie then presented the medals and some trophies and the colour prizes of chocolate.  The full results are below but special congratulations to our club champions for 2023, Julie, Paul D, Brenda, Simon, Imran and Junior Man Alex.

Thanks to Neill for arranging the tournament, Julie for being our Lady Patron, Jan for the scoring and results and all those who helped set-up before and tidy up after the shoot.  Hopefully see even more of you at this shoot in 2024.

Results and Photos follow.

Long National – Championship Round
Womens RecurveJulie
Mens RecurvePaul D
Womens CompoundBrenda
Mens BarebowImran
Mens LongbowAlan
Womens LongbowJan
Mens RecurveJon
Mens CompoundJulian
National 50
Mens RecurveAndy
National 40
Mens BarebowMatthew
Mens LongbowAdi
National 30
Mens BarebowDavid
National 30 Junior Championship Round
Junior Mens BarebowAlex
Spot Prizes
Best Gold @ 80 yardsImran
Most Golds UnrewardedAndreas and Kevin
Married CoupleJan and John
Best Gold CompoundNick
Best Gold RecurveJon
Best Gold BarebowAlex
Best Gold LongbowAdi
Red Colour PrizeAndy
Blue Colour PrizePeter
Black Colour PrizeAdi
White Colour PrizeAlan
Green Colour PrizeFrancis


The clouds hung lightly over the corner of a field that is home to archers of Whiteleaf braving the first day of the second decade of the third millennium. 

A hardy few of nine men and one woman (that’s ten for anyone struggling with sums after the new year) set forth to shoot the traditional new year clout. True to form Alan let forth the first whinge on the ground of the year (claiming his first was shortly after midnight) before the “serious” business of archery began. 

The “competition” took its usual form of ribald humour, leg pulling, 2 arrows on one of the static bosses and even one or two archers really trying – Mark scored with all his arrows until the 5th end while Calvin ( no shame on a novice) and Neil ( don’t let this man coach your barebow aiming) both contrived only one scoring arrow each in the same time. 

After 8 ends three were still in the running and within 4 points ( on paper a forth was technically in it but this would require a perfect score and all the others to miss) but having led the whole way through Mark’s solid 3,3,miss in the last end saw him pull clear of the field for a famous victory. 

The Frog was presented to Mark to display in a place of honour for another year 

Scores ( numbers are the Scores after 5, 8 & 9 ends) 


Have a good years shooting and see you all – new years day hats and all – next year 

For pictures of the day see below:

Reporters: R. O’binhood and L.E.Golas