Christmas Fun Shoot 2024

December has arrived and it’s back, the Whiteleaf Bowmen Christmas Indoor Fun Shoot and get together.

When? – Thursday 19th December

Where? – Lacey Green Village Hall

What Time? – 19:00 for assembly at 19:15

Distance? – About 12yds/11m

Seriousness? – It’s fun, random scoring which you will only find out after you have shot

Dress Code? – Anything, but Christmas attire is welcomed.

Cost? – None

Every club member is invited to the indoor fun shoot (details above).  The evening will consist of some short-range shooting at mystery target faces with mystery scoring, meaning that anybody could win a chocolate prize.  There will also be some savoury snacks and cakes and a quiz to test the brain cells.

Shooting is not compulsory as there will be seating behind the shooting line so come along and meet other members of the club.

Tea and coffee will be available but please bring your own cup/mug and any other drink you would like.

Hopefully see you there.