Archery at Lacey Green Indoor Hall Suspended for the rest of the 2020/2021 season

16-December-2020: This is to let you know that, due to the ongoing Covid19 restrictions, and the small numbers who have been shooting indoors this season making it financially unviable, the committee has taken the very difficult decision to cancel indoor shooting at Lacey Green Village Hall for the remainder of the season.  

We are hopeful that we will be able to return to normal for the 2021/22 indoor season.

Winter Frostbite & Portsmouth rounds still going ahead

Dear Club Members

As you will have read, the field is open again for socially distanced shooting from today but indoor shooting in Lacey Green is suspended till next year.  Normally at this time of the year we would have a postal Portsmouth competition , the club Frostbite competition and a postal Frostbite competition.  The good news is that all of these competitions are still taking place, but with some differences.

So if you are able to do some shooting  then give these two rounds a go.  It doesn’t matter what level you are at or whether you shoot recurve, longbow, compound or barebow.

Frostbite Round  36 arrows (+ 6 arrows sighters)                               Shooting at 30m on a 80cm target face   Scoring = 10, 9, 8, 7 etc.

Can be shot either six arrows then score OR 3 arrows then score

Portsmouth Round         60 arrows (+6 arrows sighters)   Shooting at 20 yards on a 60cm target face           Scoring = 10, 9, 8, 7 etc

Normally an indoor round shooting 3 arrows then scoring  but can be shot outdoors scoring after 3 or 6 arrows

Then send me your scores, either a pdf or similar or a photo of your score sheet or just an email.  I need score, hits and golds (just 10s), bow type and date shot.

Please send to

I will then enter scores in: The Selby Postal League – Frostbite Scores

                                                   SCAS Postal Competition – Portsmouth Scores

                                                   Club Frostbite Handicap Tournament

Please submit scores as soon after you have shot them as you can, as each competition has different rules.

Good Shooting

John O

Records Officer

Whiteleaf Bowmen

COVID-19 Update: Field is now open but Indoor Hall remains closed

On exiting the latest lockdown, from Wednesday 2 December you are now able to shoot outdoors.  The previous booking system is now live again, & the rules remain as before this latest lockdown – see below.

The Club hut at the field remains closed and for the foreseeable future there will not be any shooting allowed at the Indoor hall at Lacey Green.

Archery Rules under COVID

All measures for social distancing and your safety are now in place at the field so you can book a slot to start shooting again. Please take note of the following & observe at all times.

  • Hand gel is taped to the gate for use when entering and leaving.
  • Bosses with wheels Lanes 1 and 9 are currently set at 60 yds, Boss with wheels Lane 3 is set at 100yds and the two straw bosses Lanes 5 and 7 are also set at 100yds.  They can be moved to suit but please wipe them down before and after with the spray.  Obviously if you are at the field by yourself, it will be safe to move forward 
  • The clubhouse will remain closed for the time being but on the verandah you will find hand sanitizer on the table with the spray for wiping down the faces and bosses, anything else you touch and your own equipment if you haven’t brought yours. 
  • In the box is the signing in book, scoresheets, pens (bring your own if you can), arrow jack, pins, paper roll for wiping down, bin bags etc.
  • The toilet is to be used for emergencies only
  • The booking system is now open.  You will find it on the website under Archery Field Bookings, choose your lane, date, (times shown are those still available), fill in your details and you will get confirmation immediately and a reminder the day before.
  • Get ready at home, arrive just before your start time, shoot, leave, dismantle at home.
  • Remember:  Following Archey GB guidelines and wipe wipe wipe!

Before you start shooting again please also read Archery GB’s guidance notes:

(Club Secretary)